Monday, August 25, 2008

Garden versus Mid-Rise

Garden versus Mid-Rise

Garden versus Mid-Rise. Some people care, some people don't care. Before I get into it I better make sure you know what the two terms mean in this context.

In the Gates of McLean there are 10 residential buildings (the clubhouse would be the 11th building of the community, but no one lives there). 3 of the 10 are what they term Garden style. The other 7 are referred to as Mid-Rise. All of the 10 buildings are 4 floor. All have a variety of floor plans. So what's the difference?

The Garden style are distinguished by their open air hallways. Someone can walk through the hallway on any of the 4 floors and feel the wind blowing. That's the main distinction. Some people like it and some people don't. I'd say it's great on nice days in the spring and fall, maybe even the summer too (because the hallway is at least shaded). I don't know if everyone would feel the same way though in the winter, or if there was a blowing rain.

I have already given light to the main distinction between the two building styles. However there are two other things I failed to mention in the previous paragraph. First is that the Mid-Rise buildings also have secure entrance. You need a key card or fob to gain entry to the main part of the building. So even though everyone, all 10 buildings benefit from the Gates of the Gates of McLean in terms of security, the Mid-Rise buildings have an added level of security with the secure entrance to the building. The second differentiation that I failed to mention is that the Mid-Rise buildings also have a level of garage parking underneath the building. Not all units have a garage parking space deeded to them, but there at least is a possibility of having one. Whereas the Garden style buildings have no garage parking whatsoever.

So where are the pluses and minuses, the benefits and the drawbacks, to having a home in a Garden style building or a Mid-Rise building? Some people talk about energy efficiency. In the Garden Buildings it is arguable that the utility bills will be higher because the home is exposed to the elements on more sides. The Mid-Rise homes are insulated by the heated and cooled, as needed depending what time of hear, hallways. These nice common area hallways are carpeted and painted. However, this cost differencial is offset by a minor increase in the condo dues. The Mid-Rise home owners have an increased monthly assessment every month because of these comfortable hallways. Well what about the elements and parking? Which style is better. It would be easy to say the Mid-Rise since they have the possibility of garage, and protection in the hallways. But then again, it seems that more of the Garden style homes have more parking spaces. So would it be better to have one garage parking space? or two outdoor assigned spots?

The last part of the equation that I haven't put much weight on, but matters a great deal to some, is the floor plans. Although there are more than 10 different floor plans in the community, they are split as to which style building you can find them in. For example, you can only find the Christine, the only 3 bedroom model, in the Garden style buildings. Considering the number of floor plans I could go on for a bit telling which is in which style building, but that is for another discussion.....

So basically, it's not easy to say Garden is better than Mid-Rise, or vice versa for that matter. It's a decision that each will have to make for his, or her, own.